Since 2023 Eastbrookend Forest School has been welcoming school groups and families to explore the woodlands and green spaces through a range of activities.
Using a child-centred approach, our qualified Rangers have been leading fun sessions that encourage social development and awareness of risk through creative play and outdoor skills.
Download the leaflet below that explains more:
What is Eastbrookend Forest School (PDF, 5 MB)
Booking sessions for School Groups
To book a school session at Eastbrookend Forest School, please send an email to and request a booking form. We will then confirm the dates with you and set up a pre-visit meeting with teachers from your school to go over the activities and site.
Read more about our Forest school sessions for Schools:
Pamphlet Eastbrookend forest school (PDF, 2 MB)
We run forest school courses during term time. Prices for schools are the same as Ranger-led Education sessions
Booking Family sessions
Our Forest School sessions for families are delivered in partnership with Early Years Cocoon. We offer early years sessions for children under 5-years old, as well as after-school sessions for 5-8 year olds.
The rangers at Eastbrookend are trained forest school practitioners, each session combines teaching and exploratory learning to boost confidence, teamwork skills and emotional wellbeing.
Read more about what we do and see some feedback from parents here:
Launch Reports May 2023 EYC and BD Money (PDF, 488 KB)