Our latest snake event on Saturday was very well attended with an estimated 130-150 attendees, spread over the four hours. Lots of families came, with a wide range of ages and some adults on their own too. Some had travelled from outside the borough specifically to attend this event!
‘Snakes Alive’ were a big attraction and brought four exotic species of snakes for people to hold and interact with (corn snake, royal python, boa constrictor and milk snake). This drew the crowds in and for most of the day there were around 30 people at the stall at all times.
The Rangers also had a marquee with information about our native species of snakes (and slow worms) and there was quite a bit of interest from residents who were keen to find out more about what snakes they might come across in the local parks. Some were very surprised to learn there are snakes here at all, while one or two others reported that they have seen the odd grass snake in Beam!