Eastminster Riding School is located within the Dagenham Corridor, nestled between Eastbrookend Country Park and The Chase Nature Reserve. This professional riding school and livery yard offer a range of services including a pony club and horse riding lessons for all abilities.
Many of the horses are allowed to graze within the park itself, so you are likely to come across them if you are out walking in that area. For safety, please keep dogs under control and on a lead when horses are nearby.
Only horses and riders from Eastminster School of Riding (including their liveries under a licence agreement) are allowed to horse ride in Eastbrookend Country Park and The Chase Nature Reserve. This is for several reasons:
- to manage horse numbers on the park and prevent damage to footpaths
- ensure any issues with horses i.e. damage or injury to the public could be directly traced back to Hooks Hall Farm (Eastminster School of Riding) who are fully insured
- to stop the risk of highly infectious equine diseases (such as equine flu, strangles) infecting the riding school horses.