The Halloween event was VERY well attended with an estimated 150 visitors (around 60 adults and 90 children). The room was full as soon as the event started at 11am and only quietened down around 2pm. The last arrivals came at 2:45pm by which time we had started to clear up.
Pumpkin Carving was the main attraction, drawing queues of people waiting for their turn. The initial pumpkin supply ran out after about the first hour so we had to buy more to keep up with demand. In total 50 pumpkins were carved (38 small and 12 large). One parent brought their own pumpkins to be sure they wouldn’t miss out.
The partition between the education room and café was opened up to allow more space and several tables in the café were transformed into more pumpkin carving areas.
Other activities on offer (which kept people entertained while waiting to carve a pumpkin) were:
- Make your own Spider Web (using willow sticks and string)
- Halloween colouring table (Halloween themed pictures)
- Story-teller (Richard Sylvester) giving ‘ghost-story’ sessions throughout the event
- Display of Creepy Crawlies (Preserved insect blocks with ‘draw your own’ option)
- Display about nocturnal animals (Info on Bats, Owls, Badgers) – including our stuffed barn owl and tawny owl, a bat box and bat detector