The event was well attended despite the dull, damp weather, with around 60 attendees spread over the four hours (more-or-less evenly split between adults and children).
The Rangers offered some free activities including apple-bobbing and a longest apple-peel contest for which a prize was awarded. We also provided information on how to care for apple trees and about different apple varieties. A display board was put up showing the plans for the new Eastbrookend Community orchard – which attracted some interest and questions from a few visitors.
Lewis McNeill from The Orchard Project attended and brought an old-fashioned apple press to make fresh apple juice, which was very popular.
Alice Masson-Taylor from Company Drinks brought their smoothie bike, and they provided tailor-made smoothies using a wide variety of fruits and herbs, chosen by visitors. One of their volunteers, Stephen, assisted Alice throughout the event and colleague Sean also made an appearance.